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Writer's pictureAudra Romeo

What to do to clear your mind

Updated: Aug 11, 2021

Telephone ringing, email alerts, text messages dinging, kids, work, to do lists.....its endless! Our minds and bodies are constantly busy, which puts us in constant stress mode.

What does stress do to the body? Well actually more than you can imagine. Every single system of our body is negatively effected.. This is why we feel so lousy after long continuous days of overdoing it.

So what's a busy person to do? One thing for sure, taking some time out daily certainly helps recharge the brain and the body. I know when I'm on overload, there comes a point in the evening where I shut down. Even if its for 5 minutes., because basically, um, I can't take it any more. So I close the bedroom door, sit down, close my eyes or maybe just gloss over a magazine, anything just to shut out the world and quiet the mind.

Choose whatever it is that you like to do and take mini breaks during the course of the day. Sit at your desk, get up and take a walk around. Stand all day, take a few minutes and get off your feet. I know, you've heard it all before, but do it, actually do it. And don't check your phone or social media; live in the moment. That's what quiets the mind. Take note of your surroundings: the sights, the smells. I'll bet you'll notice things that you've never noticed before.

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